Properties | More Info | Isotopes | Spectra
Compounds | Reactions | Production
Atomic: M.A.C. | Reference
Diagrams: Shell | Atomic Radius | Electron || Images
Electrons per shell 2,8,18,32,11,2
Electron Configuration [Xe] 4f14 5d3 6s2 open electron config
Ground state 4F3/2
Atomic Volume 10.9 cm3 mol-1
Electronegativity 1.5
Magnetic ordering No data
Mass magnetic susceptibility 1.07 x 10-8
Molar magnetic susceptibility 1.936 x 10-9
Speed of sound 3400 m s-1
Thermal Properties
Enthalpy of Atomization 782 kJ mol-1 @25°C
Enthalpy of Fusion 31.4 kJ mol-1
Enthalpy of Vaporisation 758.2 kJ mol-1
Heat Capacity 25.36 J mol-1 K-1
Thermal Conductivity 57.5 W m-1 K-1
Thermal Expansion 6.3 μm m-1 K-1
Brinell hardness 800 MPa
Mohs hardness 6.5
Vickers hardness 873 MPa
Elastic Properties
Bulk modulus 200 GPa
Poisson ratio 0.34
Shear modulus 69 GPa
Young's modulus 186 GPa
Electrical Properties
Electrical resistivity 1.3 x 10-7 Ω m
Electrical conductivity 0.0761 106/cm Ω
Chemical Properties
Electrochemical Equivalent 1.3502 g Ah-1
Electron Work Function 4.25 eV
Valence Electron Potential (-eV) 110
Ionization Potential  
First 7.89
Incompatibilities Strong oxidizers, bromine trifluoride (BrF3), fluorine.
Combustible Solid, fine dust is easily ignited
Energy Levels
Kα1 (intensity 100) 57.532 KeV
Kα2 (intensity 50) 56.277 KeV
Kβ1 (intensity 25.3) 65.223 KeV
Kβ2 (intensity 9.9) 66.289 KeV
Kβ3 (intensity 9.9) 65.1134 KeV
Lα1 (intensity 100) 8.1461 KeV
Lα2 (intensity 10) 8.0879 KeV
Lβ1 (intensity 42) 9.3431 KeV
Lβ2 (intensity 20) 9.6518 KeV
Lβ3 (intensity 6.7) 9.4846 KeV
Lβ4 (intensity 4) 9.2108 KeV
Lγ1 (intensity 8.2) 10.8952 KeV
Lγ2 (intensity 2) 11.2151 KeV
Lγ3 (intensity 2) 8.426 KeV
Ll (intensity 4.5) 7.17 KeV
Atomic Radii
Empirical 145 pm
Bohr Radius 200 pm
Covalent Radius 138 pm
Van der Waals No data.
Triple covalent 119 pm
Metallic 146 pm
Oxidation States
Main Ta+5
Other Ta-3, Ta-1, Ta+1, Ta+2, Ta+3, Ta+6
Ionisation Energies (kJ mol-1) show graph
M - M+ 761
M+ - M2+ 1500
M2+ - M3+ 2100
M3+ - M4+ 3200
M4+ - M5+ 4300
Covalent Bonds (kJ mol-1)
Vapour Pressure
P (Pa) 1 10 100 1K 10K 100K
T (K) 3297 3597 3957 4395 4939 5634
Crystal Structure
Structure Body centred cubic
a = 330.13 pm
b = 330.13 pm
c = 330.13 pm
α = 90°
β = 90°
γ = 90°